Thursday, December 29, 2016

اس اس ام : سنه تالته ترم اول

اضغط على الصورة 😁👆👆👆👆
مجموعه تبييضات SSM قديمه لسنه 3 ترم اول 
shady safwat Web Developer

Shady Safwat Mehanny, (SSM)- contact me (+2) 0127 0141 385. and at

Colloid & Surface | Dr Khaled

shady safwat Web Developer

Shady Safwat Mehanny, (SSM)- contact me (+2) 0127 0141 385. and at

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

عملى كيمياء الانسجة | ا.د/ محمد عرفة

1- H&E
Aim : demonstration of nucleus the mammalis
Section : T.S in liver of mammalia
T.S in kidney of mammalia
T.S in ileum of the mammalia
T.S in adrenal gland of the mammaila
Color : cytoplasm (red)     ….. nucleus ( deep blue )

2-Hg- bromophenol blue
Aim : identification of total protein
Section : T.S in liver of Rabbit
T.S in ileum of the Rabbit
T.S in adrenal gland of the Rabbit
T.S in kidney of Rabbit
Color :  cytoplasm (deep blue )
The nucleus isn't stained
The degree of color depend on the protein
Concentration  in cytoplasme and cell membrane

 3-Alcian blue (Cu- phathelo cyanine )
Aim : identification of acid mucopolysaccarides  (mucoids)
Section : T.S in ileum of the Rabbit
Color :  cytoplasm ( pale green color )……. Nucleus : not stained

4-Silver nitrate
Aim : Reveal  golgi complex
Golgi complex found in cytoplasm and its depend on the physiological condition for the animal
Color : dark brown to black deposits
Section : T.S in liver of Rabbit
T.S in kidney of Rabbit
T.S in adrenal gland of the Rabbit
T.S in the Vas deferens  of the Rabbit

5-PAS (periodic acid Schiff reaction
Aim : Identification of carbohydrates
Section : T.S in the liver of mammals
Colour: Cytoplasm à purple colour
Nucleus à colorless
Mechanism :-
1)      Oxidation : HIO4 is a weak oxidizing agent used to oxidize  the carbohydrate to aldehyde
2)      Schiff reagent preparation 
6-Stain : Fulgen reactionAim : identification of DNA
Section : T.S in the testes of the mammals
Color : cytoplasm à colorless      nucleus à purple color

7- Immunohistochemical method 

1- in this method we aim to detect a single protein
2-this is done usinga spcific (antibody)  “polyclonal - monoclonal”
3- this is (antigen-antibody) complex can be detected by two different methods

A) The direct method : at which tje flarochrome ia attachedto
     the 1ry antibody can be only detected using flurocent microscope
     (UV) light source

B) The indirect method : at which tje flarochrome ia attachedto the 2ry  antibody
     - can be only detected using flurocent microscope (UV) light source
     - at which a streptavidin interactes with HRP [Horse Raddish Peroxidose]
        in the presence of DAB [ Di Amino Benzidin]
        and a block celover is formed at the sited expression 

- TNFR2 ... Tumer Necrosis Factor Receptor 2 protein (Localized in the ONL, Outer Nuclear Layer and INL , Inner Nuclear layer) of the retina of carp larva (bony fish). 

- HSP70, Heat shock protein 70 , which is localized at the OPL (outer plexiform layer) of the retina of carp larva (bony fish). 

بنشكر دكتور صلاح على تعبة معانا جدا 😊😊😊
shady safwat Web Developer

Shady Safwat Mehanny, (SSM)- contact me (+2) 0127 0141 385. and at

Monday, December 05, 2016

الجدول عملى ونظري | النهائي

shady safwat Web Developer

Shady Safwat Mehanny, (SSM)- contact me (+2) 0127 0141 385. and at

Collapse of the theory of Evolution | د/تيتو

shady safwat Web Developer

Shady Safwat Mehanny, (SSM)- contact me (+2) 0127 0141 385. and at

عملى التشريح المقارن | ا.د/ محمد عرفة

 امتحان العملي غدا  18-12-2016
سكشن 1   من 9 ص :11 ص 
سكشن 2  من 11 ص :1 م 
  1. skin of Amphioxus Lanculats 
  2. skin of Petromyzon 
  3. skin of Dog fish
  4. skin of Toad
  5. skin of  Reptiles
  6. skin of birds 
  7. skin of mammals 
  8. development stages of placoid scales of Dog fish
  9. development stages of feathers of bird
  10. development stages of hair of mammals 
  11. Placoid scales
  12. Catenoid scales 
  13. Cycloid scales 
  14. Down feather
  15. filoplume feather 
  16. Counter feather
  17. Skull of Toad 
  18. Skull of Reptiles 
  19. Skull of Dog
  20. skull of Bird
  21. العضم 
  22. الفقرات

عينات SSM
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مشاهدة جمجمة الضفدع 1 - 2
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page 6

"مهم" مواقع الفقرات بالترتيب : 
proceolus       --> amphibian
amphiceolus  --> fish
aceolus           --> mammals
heteroceolus  --> reptiles 

بِهِ يُنْتَهَى إِلَى النَّجَاحِ، وَبِكَلِمَتِهِ يَقُومُ الْجَمِيعُ
امين  😇

shady safwat Web Developer

Shady Safwat Mehanny, (SSM)- contact me (+2) 0127 0141 385. and at